
Create or Die: The Artistic Middle Finger to Mediocrity

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Create or get the hell out of the way. Inspiration isn’t some delicate flower—it’s a chainsaw ready to slice through your pathetic excuses. 

Artists don’t wait for permission; they tear reality apart and rebuild it with their bare, bleeding hands.

Every moment you’re not creating is another nail in your artistic coffin. 

Comfort is the enemy. 

Routine is death. 

Your unwritten novel, unfinished painting, unrecorded song? They’re screaming inside you, begging to escape the prison of your fear and laziness.

Don’t get comfy; that’s where creativity goes to die. Be different, push those boundaries, and shake it up. Get uncomfortable; that’s where the good stuff comes from. Being average is a trap, born from fear and playing it safe. Break free, unleash your full potential. Try new things, mess up, and learn from it. True artists don’t fail; they just keep pushing for greatness. 

Embrace the unknown, the messiness, the crazy ride of creativity – that’s where the magic is.

Create or become another forgettable statistic. Create like your soul depends on it—because it absolutely fucking does.

John Suder is a graphic designer, illustrator, and podcaster from Philadelphia. John is the Director of Marketing at SUMO Heavy Industries, an eCommerce consulting firm, and the host/producer of the long-running daily podcast ‘The eCommerce Minute'. John is also the host/producer of the ‘In the Ring’ podcast, a long-form podcast featuring interviews and insights from leaders in the eCommerce space.

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