The Awesome Things Newsletter is my weekly read featuring ~10 interesting things I found on the internet that week. Sign up for free at Substack and get Awesome Things delivered to your inbox fresh and hot each Friday AM.
Last week’s most clicked link: 9% of readers clicked These Vintage Photos of Celebrities in Their New York City Apartments Will Take You Back in Time
On to this week’s Awesome Things:
Interview: Photographer Documents 33 Women Before and After They Became a Mom
There are few things in life that have a bigger impact than becoming a parent. Motherhood, in particular, changes a woman in profound ways—not just physically, but emotionally, too. Photographer and mother Vaida Markeviciute-Razmislavice noticed her own transformation before childbirth and after her son was born.
Take Ai Weiwei’s Middle Finger Anywhere in the World
Since 1995, artist Ai Weiwei has been flipping the bird to a myriad of global landmarks steeped in oppression, censorship, and overreaching control as a means of reminding the people to question the status quo and represent their own personal values.
40 Years Ago: Why David Bowie Regretted ‘Let’s Dance’ So Much
“I asked myself, ‘Why have I chosen this music?'” Bowie later mused.
[This is far and away my most UNFAVORITE Bowie song. Sorry/Not Sorry. – JS]
Are you mindlessly scrolling? Here’s how to tame your bad tech habit.
Even good habits can cross the line into unhealthy compulsion
Get in on the StockParty happening now! Join with my link and we’ll both get bonus stock, plus an extra $20 to invest (it’s that easy).
What $100,000 Is Actually Worth in the Largest U.S. Cities – 2023 Study
Seen as a sign of success and financial comfort, a six-figure salary has long been an important milestone for American workers. But the times have changed and $100,000 isn’t quite what it used to be, especially as rampant inflation continues to sap the purchasing power of money and push the cost of living higher.
The Perils and Pleasures of Bartending in Antarctica
At the South Pole, the freezer is just a hole in the wall to the ice outside.
Check out Instacart: 1 hour grocery delivery! Here’s $20 worth of free groceries
30 Movies That Are Somehow Turning 30 This Year
Does it make you feel old to know Mrs. Doubtfire is three decades old? What about Jurassic Park? Free Willy?
Why You Should Bake Your Wool Sweater in the Oven Before You Wear It
Of all the things you can do with an oven—make chocolate chip cookies, roast veggies, or reheat leftovers—the last thing you’d think to do is bake your sweater. Yet this is precisely what Audrey Danser, owner of Salvage Studio in San Francisco, proposes in an Instagram post.
To get up to $10 in ride credit, just download the Lyft app using my referral. (I’ll get credit, too.) Here’s my referral link
🌴 Check out this incredibly colorful and preserved mid-century Palm Springs digs.
🕳️ Clickbait: Hiding Places (Reddit link)
🎣 The Mexican Fisherman (Amazing Short Story)